Friday 22 October 2010

1.38 - Consequences 2

This meeting is held in one of the smaller lecture rooms, which is better suited to a small presentation then the large meeting room. Nillian is one of the first to arrive, and he makes some small talk with some of the other members until the council arrives, together with the two researchers that are going to give the presentation. Everyone takes a seat, and the first researcher, dr. Ipse, walks to the front of the room.

"Welcome gentlemen. As you know I have been studying the blueprints that sir Luckett retrieved from the Biene workplace. The blueprints were slightly damaged, probably due to the bad conditions they were stored in. It looks like the people who left these blueprints did not think they would be lying around for long.

The blueprints themselves depict a medium sized ship, which is made of metal, with a wooden structure inside. This structure has several pockets of air inside the ship, keeping it afloat. I have asked some other researchers, and they confirmed that the calculations are correct, a ship of this size will be able to float.

The ship is powered by two large steam engines, fuelled by coal. These engines each power one large wheel, which is attached to the side of the ship. Together these two wheels turn and push away the water, giving the ship a forward propulsion. This way of moving an object was quite new for us, and we have as of yet not finished all the calculations. But so far everything has checked out, and it is our opinion that the ship as depicted on these blueprints will float and will be able to propel itself.

One of the members raises his hand.
"What about sails, like on ordinary boats?"
"Ah, yes. According to the blueprints there are several unfolding masts, which can be used to raise two sails. But according to some notes in the sidelines these are only added as a precaution, in case the engines might fail. Specifications on the size and material of the sails was also added, so that was taken care off."

The other members nod, and one of the council members finishes with one last question.
"So, in your professional opinion, are these blueprints valid and possible to build?"
"Yes they are."

Then the other researcher steps forwards.
"Good afternoon. I have spend the last two days going over the prototypes and parts that were shipped here from Capes. The condition of the metal was the same as the blueprints: it was slightly damaged, probably because of the prolonged stay in an unsuitable environment.

Because of the short period we have not yet finished with checking all the machines that we received, about a third has been checked in depth, and another third has been briefly looked at. Checking the machines consisted of cleaning, oiling, studying the condition and purpose and finally , if possible, turning it on or using it in a different construction.

Among the prototypes that we have tested there were two wheels like described by dr. Ipse. These were tested extensively, and the results show that they indeed are very efficient in propelling a water-based vehicle. Especially if they are compared to ordinary sails, with their unpredictable nature.

Other prototypes and parts have had similar results. Everything so far can be used and seems to work as was implied by blueprints and their appearance. But, as still a lot of things have not been studied in depth this is only a preliminary report, and no hard conclusions can be drawn.

One of the council members takes over.
"Based on these findings the University will sanction the building of a real prototype, one that incorporates all features of the boat, but in a scaled down version. Thank you for your time, and a good day to you all."

Nillian remains sitting for a moment, smiling to himself, before he gets up and leaves the room. It seems that event are thundering ahead, and even the council cannot do about it. It is beginning to look like he is going after all.


After the prototype is build and tested the council gives the go ahead for the build of the complete ship. The engineers given the task expect the ship to be finished in one month. One day later Nillian receives a letter from the council, endorsing his decision to go on the expedition. They also mention that, as no one else has volunteered, or even shown any interest, it will be his responsibility to find a crew to man the expedition.

The ship originally had room for eight people, each with their own room. But the engineers made some adaptations to the blueprints, to add some extra safeguards and back-ups. This means that the ship now only has room for four people.

"Four people?!" Nillian exclaims when he reads the letter. "That is not much. What if something would go ... Best not finish that. Oh well, I probably will have to adjust."


Nillian first goes back to Capes, to speak with the fishermen. He goes to the main guild, and asks them about a helmsman, someone experienced with steering a ship. But it soon becomes clear that fishermen cannot help him, as they are used to smaller boats. Plus the fact, as one of the guild members tells him, that no one wants to leave.

Dejected he leaves the guild, and weighs his options. There is only one other marine company that he knows of, the monthly shuttle to Apaga. So he visits their offices, which located on the docks, also in Capes. Their building is slightly rundown, located at the far edge of the docks.

The woman who is in charge immediately tells him the fares for Apaga, telling him that it is one way ticket only. It takes Nillian some trouble to explain that he is not wanting to book passage, but speak with the captain. In the end he is told that the captain is at this moment on his way to Apaga, and that they are sure he does not want to change jobs, especially as they have no replacement, of any kind.

Feeling depressed Nillian travels back to Kataras, where he talks to some of his friends. He hopes that one of them can give him an option, as otherwise the expedition is finished before it has even started. Most of his friends and colleagues have no clue, but luckily Tom, who helped him with some records, has a uncle, who once was a fisherman. That uncle then became an assistant to the University and is now living retired in Kataras.

Seeing it as a last straw Nillian goes and visits this uncle. He is living in some small apartment, not unlike the one James Thomp was residing in. Nillian is welcomed warmly, and some tea and small talk he asks about sailing, and where to find a helmsman.
"From your description you are going on a metal boat powered by steam, right?"
"Well, ... yes."
"So what do you need a real sailor for? No one will have any experience with something like that. What you really need is an engineer for the steam engines, and a navigator that can tell you where to go, based on the sun and the stars."
"Ah, right! Well, finding an engineer will not be that hard. But who can navigate, like you said, by the sun and stars?"
"Most people who can do that are sailors, of course, but it is not that hard to do. Here, I will lend you some books that will teach you how."
"Oh, wow, thank you very much!"

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