Wednesday 3 November 2010

1.42 - Swimming

The following morning Nillian is collected by Ned, and is taken back to the clearing where they spent the last two days. There Lyxia and Copper are already waiting for them. Ned walks off with Copper, discussing the night. Then he returns and discusses the results that both of them booked.

Lyxia did very well, finding a small cave, creating a fire at the mouth of the cave. She also was quite lucky and managed to trap a rabbit, which she cooked of the fire. According to Ned Nillian did not so good, pointing out that a river never is a safe boundary, as something can creep out of the water. And as Nillian only barely found enough food he didn't make a good impression.

After discussing the last day for a while, with Nillian and Lyxia asking what they could have done better, they get ready to return to Kataras. They dismantle the three tents, pack all their things and clean out the mess they made. Then they set off, making their way back to Kataras. Back to warm houses, good food and most important of all: soft mattresses.


Several days later Nillian returns to the subject of swimming, and asks Lyxia how far she is with finding a teacher.
"Ah, good of you to remind me. I found someone in Capes willing to give us some lessons, some training. He said that we could drop by any time. He has a pond, a pool we can use, and for the advanced training we can swim a few laps in the sea."
"You mean that you ... you can swim?"
"Yes, can't you?"
"No? The only large body of water I ever encountered was a bath."
"Ah, right. Well I started taking lessons, training ... oh, ages ago. It is quite nice, good, and good exercise."
"Hmm, I will take your word for it. I will ask Ned, to see when we will be able to get together. It will be best if we all practise, as there is no knowing what will happen on the sea."


The next day Ned is free, so they travel to Capes and gather at the home of the instructor. It is an older man, who introduces himself as Theodore. He is slightly balding, and has a permanent smile on his face, which makes Nillian feel uncomfortable.

As they all approach the pool Nillian looks around and turns to Ned.
"Say, isn't Copper ... Oh wait, that is something ..."
Nillian looks crestfallen. "Drat, I didn't realise that. That is going to be a problem."

"Problem?" Lyxia asks.
"Well, he is a human-hybrid. So he can't swim."
"How do you mean? He walks and moves fine, doesn't he?"
"Ah, but lass, his engines dinnae work unner the watter."

"Well, they do work, but not for long. The mechanisms are not designed to work under water. So not only will he not be able to use his arm and leg, it will also be a dead weight. They are made of metal, don't forget that."
"He'll sink to the bottom, mark ma words" Ned adds.
"Alright, that is a problem, trouble."

Nillian frowns a moment, then nods to himself.
"It is something we can work out I think. But that is something for later. Let us not keep Theodore waiting."

That afternoon Ned and Nillian get their first swimming lessons. They both appear in their swimming suits, and are standing ill at ease at the edge of the pool. Luckily they start in a small pool, where they can stand upright in the water. Theodore patiently teaches them how to paddle and stay afloat in the water.

After they are a bit more at ease in the water they go to the large pool where Theodore shows them how to propel themselves in the water. He starts with an easy stroke, which looked more like a dogs paddle then anything else. Then he teaches them ways to stay afloat in stormy conditions, always talking about being prepared for the worse.

After the swimming lessons Nillian makes his way to the University. There a lot of engineers are still working on the ship, which is almost ready. He approaches one of the main engineers, and asks for the expert on floating. He is quickly referred to a researcher, which he finds working in his office.

Nillian introduces himself, and explains the problem of Copper. Then he asks if perhaps they could build some kind of flotation device that would keep him safe. The researcher thinks a moment, nods and tells Nillian that everything will be taken care off.


The next day the three reconvene at the beach, where Theodore is already waiting for them. It is a windy day, and Nillian doesn't relish the idea to go swimming in the sea in these conditions.
"Remember, if your ship goes kaput while on sea this training might be the only thing that will save you. So be prepared!"

They quickly change in one of the changing tents spread all over the beach. They are the only people on the beach, and even the birds seem to be scared off by the winds. Theodore goes up front, and readily walks into the sea, and swims about. Lyxia soon follows, and Ned and Nillian do so too, but with remarkably less enthusiasm.

The swimming lesson starts immediately, as a wave comes rolling in and crashes on top of the four swimmers. Nillian barely manages to keep himself afloat, gasping for air as the wave is past.
"Ah good try, Nillian! Let's try that again, this time try to paddle when the wave hits, and keep your head above the water."

The rest of the afternoon is spent practising the strokes they learned the previous day, this time in rough conditions. It takes a lot of strength to keep themselves afloat, as they lack the skill of Theodore and Lyxia. After an hour they are exhausted, but Theodore keeps pushing them, until they are really ready to drop. Then he calls the lesson finished, and everyone quickly leaves the water, thinking they will never be warm again.

After the swimming lessons, the three students are sitting in a warm restaurant, drinking hot tea. Lyxia is looking thoughtful as she remembers the words of the instructor.
"I really hope that we are prepared.... There is no telling what we will encounter."
Nillian looks at her, then shrugs.
"Well, there is not much point in guessing, as the ship will leave in two days, and we will all be on it."

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