Monday 20 September 2010

Interlude: Ned and Copper

After a full day's work Copper finishes his last gun barrel. He cracks open the cooling mould and sees that it is perfect. He taps a few times on the end until the barrel slides out, into the bucket with salt water. The metal hisses a bit when it touches the water, then drops to the bottom and cools in silence.

Copper looks up from his work and sees that Ned is also finished and is cleaning up his workbench. It is Copper's job to shut down the workplace. He walks over to the forge and closed the front grid, cutting off most of the oxygen into the heart and therefore essentially putting out all the fire.

He walks over to the steam engines and starts turning them off too. He then redirects the steam into a large reservoir that is located on top of the heart. That way the residual heat of the heart will keep the steam hot, making it easier to start up the engines again in the morning.

Ned in the meantime has made his way over to the kitchen, and is cooking dinner. When Copper spends a whole day working he often stays over, joining Ned for dinner. Over the last few years they have become good friends, and the distinctions between boss and employee have faded somewhat.

Both of them are also not very good in making new friends, so often they talk together about things that bother them. But this time Ned hasn't mentioned the visit of Nillian even once. And that while Copper can clearly see it is still bothering Ned. He has been distracted the whole day, something what normally never happens, and he is quite irritable when something goes wrong. So Copper is a bit worried, but hopes that during dinner they will be able to talk about it.

Ned has cooked a deer stew, with black carrots and potatoes. It is spiced up with some hot peppers, so Ned serves two glasses of milk with the meal. He calls Copper, who was just finishing up the last metal scraps, and they take place at the table. They both fill their places and dig in, leaving little opportunity for conversation.

After a few minutes Ned starts talking, mostly about the workplace and the orders that are currently waiting. Copper joins in and they agree on a schedule for the coming few days. Copper is waiting for an opening where he can breach the subject of Nillian when Ned starts about it by himself.

"Say, what did ye think aboot the lad that was here this mornin?"
"He seemed like a good guy..."
"Ye think sae?"
"Well, yes. I know his type, from when I was working at the University. A bit stuck up but this the best intentions. Hell, I used to be like that, when I was still working there."

"You know you were quite hard on him, don't you?"
"Weel, he ... surprised me. Barging in like that, asking things aboot my fowks ... I wasn't prepared for that."
"Why? We talked about your parents before, haven't we?"
"Aye, but ... the wey he just cam in here, asking aboot it... It was unexpected."
"Ah, alright."

It becomes silent as both turn their attention to eating desert, custard with strawberry jam. Copper is not sure what to think about Ned and his reaction. As far as he heard from Ned his parents were killed by a group of bandits, in Lorion Forest. And because it was so long ago it doesn't looks like something to get so upset about it...

But well, that are emotions for you, they remain unpredictable. Thinking the conversation is over Copper starts thinking about tomorrow, the things that still have to be done in the workshop. But his thoughts are interrupted as Ned suddenly continues the conversation.

"You see, there was something mair. I spend last Sunday cleaning up the attic, and fund som auld photographs and letters frae then. Sae I was thinking aboot thaim this mornin, and then he cam in asking questions. I guess that was what gat ma hackles up."
"Ah yes, I can understand."

"I guess I owe him an apology?"
"I think he does, yes. And well ... I guess he deserves an answer to his question too."
"Yes, the thing he was asking about. A job your parents did?"
"Oh, that. I daena know much aboot that anymore, my fowks dinnae tell ma much aboot thair clients.
"Hmm, ok. But it would be nice if you mentioned it to him."
"Alricht, I will write him one in the mornin."

Satisfied with how the conversation went Copper stands up and helps Ned wash the dishes. While cleaning the dished they talk some more, though mostly about trivial things.
When it gets dark outside Copper takes his leave, not wanting to walk home in the dark. He also has to get up early in the morning again, as the work will not wait for him. So he says goodbye to Ned, and sets off towards home.


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