Wednesday 15 September 2010

1.24 - Meeting the Rangers' Son

The next morning Nillian discovers that his parents are going to visit a aunt, and therefore are taking the coach with them. He declines their offer to accompany them, saying that he is not in the mood. But that still means that he is without transportation, and has to take the public transport again.

So he waits until his parents are gone before he dons his coat and makes his way outside. He knows roughly where he has to go, somewhere in the northern part of the blacksmith district, so he gets on the tram that will take him there.

At Nillian's last stop he leaves the tram and looks around. This part of the city is quiet, with almost no pedestrians or coaches. He makes an educated guess as to where he has to go, and sets off. He enters a wide street, and follows it for a while.

There are several blacksmiths here, but most of them are still closed. Nillian realizes that it is Monday, and most people do not start early just after their free day. Hoping that the gunsmith he is looking for starts early he continues, searching for a familiar street name.

After walking for a while Nillian knows he is lost, and has no clue where to go. He does not recognize any of the streets here and has no clue as to where in the district he is. He considers making his way back to the tram stop where he started and try again, but is seems so ... pointless. There is no guarantee that the next time he will be able to head in the right direction.

What he needs is a guide, someone who knows the area here. Then he sees a human-hybrid approaching lumbering from behind, and decides to ask him for some directions. He pauses so that the human-hybrid can catch up, and approaches him.

"Good morning. I was wondering if you could perhaps help me?"
"Hello. What do you need?"
The human-hybrid looks a bit hesitant, so Nillian quickly comes to the point.
"Could you perhaps direct me to Robin's Road? I am afraid that I am a bit lost."
"Hmm, alright. It happens I'm going there, you can follow me."
And with these words the human-hybrid takes off, with Nillian quickly following him.

They walk in silence for a few minutes. Nillian feels uncomfortable, as he does not know what to say. So instead he examines his companion. The human-hybrid is missing both an arm and a leg, with both replaced with a metallic clockwork limb. The steam engine on his back looks a bit clunky, telling Nillian that it is an older model and therefore that he has been a human-hybrid for quite some time. It does seem to be in good condition, so he is taking good care of it.

Then the human-hybrid suddenly speaks up, breaking the silence.
"Say, where you going?"
"I am looking for a gunsmith living there, called ... Ned. Do you know him?"
"I should, as I work for him. Copper, to your service."
"Nillian Luckett, pleased to meet you. So, you are his ... apprentice I believe it is called?"
"Something like that. I work his steam-powered foundry and maintain everything. I don't make guns myself, that is all Ned's department."

Nillian notes that Copper's language has changed, he speaking far more confidently and voluminous than before. It now feels almost like he is speaking with someone from the University... But he has not much time to ponder about it, as Copper continues the conversation.

"So you are looking for a gun? Or are you interested in a guide?"
"No, no. I am in fact looking for some information for some research I am doing. A ... job ... his parents did for someone I am researching, on which I hope he has some information."

They arrive at the smithy. It is a solid stone building, with two large wooden doors, which are closed at the moment. The walls are undecorated but for a small sign saying "Ned, Gunsmith and Forest Cicerone". Through a small window Nillian can see that the forge is lit, but there is no sign of anybody working.

Copper immediately heads to the other side of the building, where he goes through a small back entrance. Nillian dutifully follows him, and arrives in a small hallway, one way leading to the forge, the other to some kind of kitchen. Copper walks to the forge, calling out.
"Ned! Someone here for you!"

A few minutes later Ned appears from the kitchen, buttoning up his shirt. He is a very broad man, with muscles bulging from his shirt. He is wearing some kind of skirt with a tartan pattern, which Nillian does not recognize.
Nillian walks over with his hand extended.

"Nillian Luckett, pleased to meet you."
"Ned", he replies with a nod. He leads Nillian towards the forge, where he motions him toward a wooden chair. Nillian takes place and is soon faced by Ned.
"So, mister Luckett, what can I help ye with?"
"Well, I am currently working on a book, and for that I am doing some research. I am trying to follow the route someone called Gerardina Nott has taken."

"An what has that to dae with me?"
"My latest research showed that Miss Nott left Räan escorted by two rangers, called Lisa and Robert."
"My auld fowks?"
"Yes. I was hoping that you perhaps would have some information about where they went, after leaving Räan. Perhaps you have some recollection or records from that period..."
"Nou listen here, laddie. You come barging in here, asking question aboot my ... my deid parents. What dae ye think ye are? I want ye to leave. Nou!"

Ned stands up, and angrily points at the door. Nillian tries to apologize to him, but to no avail.
"Oot!" Ned repeats one last time.

Nillian quickly leaves the smithy, with a raging Ned following him. When Nillian is through the door Ned slams it shut behind him, closing the door on any comment Nillian might have tried to make.

Outside Nillian stands hesitating for a minute. He hadn't expected Ned to react so ... violently. It seems it was a touchy subject, but he had no way to know that beforehand. He sighs, then considers. Even without any information from Ned he still has one lead to check out, and probably the most promising to date: Capes.
Nillian looks around, then walks off, hoping he will get to the tram station and from there back to home.
He has a new journey to plan.


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