Wednesday 11 August 2010

1.10 - Back in Kataras

The next day Nillian settles the bill with the innkeeper, and walks towards the train station. There he buys a ticket to Kataras and gets on the train. The return journey seems somehow shorter than the first journey, but that could also be due to the fact that Nillian dozes off, not having had much sleep because of the festival.
It is again far into the afternoon when Nillian arrives in Kataras. He spent the journey looking a bit through his notes and thinking about what he should do next. He did not come far, as there are just too many unknowns. He is also a bit unsure if this information is befitting of his book, or that he should make it an article, published as a sort of supplement to his book. It al depends on whether or not Gerardina Nott was really accompanied by Dr. Biene in disguise. And for that he would have to know where they went. In the end he decides to wait a bit with his writing for now, at least until he has gotten to the bottom of this research.

On the Kataras train station everything is the same, it is busy with people walking everywhere and lots of noise. Nillian quickly makes his way to the exit. There he sees that there are no coaches waiting, probably they are all taken at the moment. Nillian debates waiting, but then decides to take the public transport. He does not often ride in it, as riding in a coach is far easier. But he knows the way, and makes his way over to the nearest station.
He doesn't have to wait long, after a few minutes he hears the sound of the tram approaching. It has a kind of buzzer mounted on the front, so that people can hear it coming and know to make way. It comes moving round the corner, slows down and stops at the station. Nillian quickly steps inside, buys a ticket and finds a seat. Because the tram system is so extensive the city council decided to ask a small fee from everyone that uses it, otherwise it would become far too expensive to maintain.
It takes Nillian half an hour to arrive at his family home, with one quick change of trams halfway. The second tram is almost entirely empty, as most people in these neighbourhoods have their own couch. Then, from the last station, it is still a few minutes walking till Nillian arrives home.

Back at home Nillian first goes and greet his parents, who are just finishing their afternoon tea. He goes upstairs, putting his dirty clothes away and taking a quick shower. Then he is off again, taking the coach to the monastery. He has to deliver Lyxia's message, and he rather do it sooner than later. It is almost an hour long drive, as the monastery lies on the edge of town. Luckily it doesn't lie on the other side of town, or else Nillian would not have been back in time for dinner.
From the moment that Nillian first lays his eyes on the monastery he has the nagging feeling that he has been there before. He walks towards the main entrance, and tries to remember. As far as he knows he never visited Lyxia here, she always came into Kataras for visits. Nillian shakes his head, and walks toward the big monastery doors. Just before the doors he veers off and walks toward the smaller door at the right hand side. There he rings the bell cord, which he hears chiming in the distance. He waits a minute, then hears footsteps approaching from the recesses of the monastery. The door is opened, creaking heavily. An older monk is standing in the doorway, looking at Nillian from under his glasses.
"How can I help you ... young master Luckett, if my eyes do not deceive me?"
"Your eyes are quite good, sir. I am here with a message from my sister? … But now that I think about it I am not entirely sure for whom it is, I am afraid..."
"Hmm, that can be a problem. I think that I best get Miss Luckett's supervisor, I guess he will know who it is for. Come in, you can wait inside."
Nillian steps inside, and the feeling that he has been there before increases. He looks around, and knows exactly where the different corridors lead to. Nillian thinks very hard, but just cannot remember. It does seem like it is darker here, but that is all that he can remember. Nillian follows the monk to the waiting chamber, which is a very sober room. The walls, floor and ceiling are all stone. There is a long oval table standing there, with some wooden chairs, which look very uncomfortable. There is a small window, giving Nillian a good view of the city.

"Ah, sir Luckett. How can I help you?" Nillian suddenly hears behind him. He jumps, and turns around. A younger monk is standing in the doorway of the room. Nillian hadn't heard him arrive, and is flustered for a moment. Then he finds his voice, and addresses the monk.
"Yes, I ehm... I have a message for someone, but I do not know for whom. My sister Lyxia had an appointment for tomorrow with someone, but I am not sure with whom. But she cannot come, as she has a cold."
Now that Nillian actually tells the excuse it sounds a bit silly, but the monk nods.
"Ah, yes, she had an appointment with me, so you've come to the right place. I thank you for the message. If you see her, will tell her to get well?"
"Yes, of course, no problem."
The monk takes his leave, and the old monk who let Nillian in returns, escorting him again to the exit. In one of the corridors Nillian sees a small window, from which a stone is missing. And with a sudden flash he remembers where he recognizes the monastery from. He stops, his head spinning from the revelation.

"Are you alright, young master Luckett?" the monk asks worried.
"Yes, yes. This monastery is exactly the same as the one in Räan! The corridors are the same, the windows, the stones!"
"You also have good eyes, young master Luckett. You are right of course. The monastery in Räan is the sister monastery of this one. Originally the Order was located in both cities, but about fifty years ago the monastery in Räan was disbanded and left for the elements. So you have been there?"
"Yes, I took a look around there yest... no, a few days ago."
In the mean time Nillian continued walking, looking around him in amazement. That the monasteries were so identical that the only difference is in the decay caused by the elements is just mind-boggling.
When they arrive at the outside door Nillian takes his leave of the old monk, and returns to the coach, which takes him back home. During the journey his mind is working in overtime by the big revelation. Thinking back to the conversation he had with the old monk he realises that he has no idea who that was, but the monk recognized him from one look...


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